Associateship Exam-Legal Aspects of Life Assurance


 Associateship Exam-Legal Aspects of Life Assurance Papers -

Life Insurance's Legal Aspects The Associateship Examination paper is a significant and high-scoring paper on this exam. This subject is concerned with the study of diverse life policies and human life values, as well as the conditions under which people can obtain a group policy and make claims under what measures. This topic also focuses on the many benefits of various types of policies, as well as their drawbacks.

Qualification Required: -  Candidates can only sit for Associateship Examination-Legal Aspects of Life Assurance Paper or other papers of this exam after clearing Licentiate exams successfully. To get the Associative diploma degree the candidate needs to clear all the six papers of this exam. Failure in any of the six subjects will result in the exam being repeated.

Mark Calculation: - Candidates taking this exam must obtain 50 points out of a possible 100 points in order to pass.

Exam format: - This is an offline exam for the Associateship Examination-Legal Aspects of Life Assurance Paper. Only blue or black ball point pens are permitted to be used in the examination. The use of calculators is absolutely prohibited. For exam purposes, candidates should only use HB pencils.

Exam format: - The Associateship Examination's Legal Aspects of Life Assurance Paper is entirely descriptive and subjective in nature. In this paper, the highest number of points a question can receive is 16. There are a total of ten questions, none of which must be answered. Candidates must answer eight of the ten questions on a scale of one to ten.

Time Duration: - The time limit for completing the Associateship Examination-Legal Aspects of Life Assurance Paper is set at 3 hours.

Books For Study : - * Mcgill’s Legal Aspects of Life Insurance (Huebner School Hardcover Book Series) Edward E. Graves (Editor), Burke A. Christensen (Editor). * McGill’s Legal Aspects of Life Insurance by Edward E. Graves, Burke A. Christensen, Dan Mays McGill

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