Assam Public Service Commission (APSC) civil services Paper

Assam Public Service Commission (APSC) civil services Paper 1. The capital of British India was shifted to Delhi in the year (A) 1908 (B) 1911 (C) 1937 (D) 1947 Ans: (B) 2. Indian National Army was headed by (A) Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose (B) General Cariappa (C) A. G. Khan (D) M. N. Roy Ans: (A) 3. The Swadeshi Movement started during (A) Anti Bengal Partition Movement (B) Non-Cooperation Movement (C) Civil Disobedience Movement (D) None of the above Ans: (A) 4. If the deepest parts of the ocean are about 10 kilometers and the radius of the earth is about 6400 kilometers, then the depth of the ocean would represent what percentage of the earth's radius? (A) Less than 1% (B) About 5% (C) About 10% (D) None of the above Ans: (A) 5. How are latitude and Iongitilde lines drawn on a globe of the earth? (A) Latitude lines are parallel and longitude lines meet at the equator (B) Longitude lines are parallel and latitude lines meet at the equator (C) Latitude lines arc parallel and longitude linea meet at the poles (D) longitude lines are parallel and latitude lines meet at the poles Ans: (C) 6. Which radioactive isotope is most useful for nuclear power generation? (A) Uranium-238 (B) Uranium-235 (C) Carbon-14 (D) Rubidium-87 Ans: (A) 7. The third most abundant gas in the atmosphere is (A) argon (B) carbon dioxide (C) helium (D) hydrogen Ans: (A) 8. Where is the headquarters of WTO? (A) New York (B) Geneva (C) Rome (D) Paris Ans: (B) 9. Who authored the book, India from Midnight to Millennium? (A) Khushwant Singh (B) Mira Nair (C) Sashi Tharoor (D) Arun Jaitley Ans: (C) 10. The first regular census in India was carried out in the year (A) 1861 (B) 1881 (C) 1901 (D) 1911 Ans: (B) 11. Who was the first Secretary-General of UNO? (A) Dag Harnrnarakjcld (B) U Thant (C) Trygve Lie (D) Javier Perez de Cuellar Ans: (C) 12. Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research is Located at (A) Trombay (B) Kalpakkam (C) Tarapore (D) Jaduguda Ans: (B) 13. The Bhakra Dam is located in (A) Himachal Pradesh (B) Haryana (C) Punjab (D) Uttar Pradesh Ans: (A) 14. Which planet takes more time to complete one rotation on its axis than to complete one revolution around the sun? (A) Mercury (B) Venus (C) Mars (D) Jupiter Ans: 15. Who chairs the Planning Commission in India? (A) The President of India (B) The Vice-President of India (C) The Prime Minister of India (D) None of the above Ans: (C) 16. Sanjukta Panigrahi was the popular exponent of which Indian clasaical dance form? (A) Kathak (B) Kathllkali (C) Bharat Natyam (D) Odissi Ans: (D) 17. Swine flu is caused by (A) bacteria (B) virus (C) protozoa (D) fungi Ans: (B) 18. How many members are there in the Rajya Sabha from Assam? (A) 7 (B) 5 (C) 8 (D) 6 Ans: (A) 19. The States which have common boundaries with Bangladesh are (A) Bihar, West Bengal, Tripura, Assam (B) Manipur, Tripura, Assam, Meghalaya, West Bengal (C) West Bengal, Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, Mijoram (D) Manlpur, Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura Ans: (C) 20. The average gradient of the Brahamaputra within Assam is (A) 18 cm/km (B) 20 cm/km (C) 13 cm/km (D) 10 cm/km Ans: 21. Find the odd pair out, (A) Dheer beel : Dhubri district (B) Khamrenga beel : kamrup (M) (C) Tamranga beel : Bongaigaon district (D) Mer beel : Jorhat district Ans: 22. Clouded leopard and capped langur are important animals of (A) Manas National Park (B) Nameri Wildlife Sanctuary (C) Pobitora Wildlife Sanctuary (D) Boronodi Wildlife Sanctuary Ans: 23. The slogan of the Commonwealth Games-2010 held in New Delhi was (A) Get out and play (B) Come here and play (C) Come out and play (D) Jiyo Utho Badho Ans: (C) 24. The per capita income of Assam been calculated to be as (A) Rs. 14,500 (B) Rs. 11,600 (C) Rs. 10,200 (D) Rs. 8,300 Ans: 25. The National Highway 1 connects (A) New Delhi and Mumbai (B) Kolkata and Amritsar (C) Jammu and New Delhi (D) Srinagar and Thiruvananthapuram Ans: 26. Which one of the following States is not touched by Tropic of Cancer? (A) Madhya Pradesh (B) Mizoram (C) Bihar (D) Chhattisgarh Ans: (D) 27. The famous fort sonar killa is located at (A) Jaipur (B) Jaisalmer (C) Jodhpur (D) Bikaner Ans: (B) 28. Which one of the following is not a tributary to the Indus? (A) Beas (B) Chambal (C) Chenab (D) Ravi Ans: (B) 29. Sardar Sarobar Dam is constructed on river (A) Sutlej (B) Saraswati (C) Narmada (D) Godavari Ans: (C) 30. Bermuda Triangle is located in (A) Caribbean Sea (B) Gulf of Mexico (C) Gulf of Guinea (D) Persian Gulf Ans: (A) 31. Waterloo is located in (A) Belgium (B) France (C) England (D) Switzerland Ans: (A) 32. The vast grassland of Australia is known as (A) Prairie (B) Steppe (C) Veld (D) Down Ans: (D) 33. Which Strait divides Europe from Africa? (A) Bosporus (B) Bering (C) Dover (D) Gibraltar Ans: (D) 34. Who Was awarded the Man of the Series in Cricket World Cup, 2011? (A) M. S. Dhoni (B) Tilakratne Dilshan (C) Yuvraj Singh (D) Kurnara Sangakara Ans: (A) 35. First Indian to win the gold medal in men's singles tennis at the Asian Games was (A) Leander Paes (B) Rohan Bopanna (C) Somdev Devvarman (D) Mahesh Bhupathi Ans: (C) APSC Placement Paper Assam Civil Service (Preliminary) Examination Previous Year Solved Paper 1. Habeas corpus writ is associated with (A) anticipatory bail (B) quashing the order of Un administrative authority (C) an order of freedom of speech (D) production of person before the court Ans: (D) 2. Drip irrigation is mostly practised in India especially for (A) tea and coffee (B) rice (C) wheat (D) vegetables (Rabi crops) Ans: (D) 3. Grey Revolution is associated with (A) production of cement (B) commercial production of eggs (C) productions of sweets (D) steel production Ans: (A) 4. The mass of an iron piece when gets rusted (A) may increase or decrease depending upon temperature (B) decreases (C) increases (D) remain same Ans: (B) 5. The purest form of gold is (A) 18 carat (B) 22 carat (C) 24 carat (D) 28 carat Ans: (C) 6. The National Flood Control Programme (NFCP) for flood control in India was launched in the year (A) 1951 (B) 1954 (C) 1947 (D) 1960 Ans: (B) 7. The Integrated Wasteland Development Programme (IWDP) is sponsored by (A) NABARD (B) Government of India (C) Asian Development Bank (D) UNO Ans: (B) 8. In which Indian State is the hill station Kodaikanal situated? (A) Andhra Pradesh (B) Uttar Pradesh (C) Tamil Nadu (D) Rajasthan Ans: (C) 9. Which is the longest river in Asia? (A) River Surama (B) River Ob (C) River Ganga (D) River Brahmaputra Ans: (B) 10. What is the percentage of oxygen in the earth's crust? (A) 92 (B) 50 (C) 61 (D) 45 Ans: (D) 11. Name the country which is known as the 'Land of Morning Calm'. (A) Japan (B) Korea (C) Indonesia (D) Canada Ans: (B) 12. What is the precise time taken by the earth for one rotation? (A) 24 hr (B) 24 hr 30 min (C) 23 hr 56 min 4.09 sec (D) 24 hr 5 min 5.02 sec Ans: (C) 13. The total area of Assam is (A) 80645 km2 (B) 78438 km2 (C) 79012 km2 (D) 77901 km2 Ans: (B) 14. The largest continent in the world is (A) Europe (B) North America (C) Asia (D) Africa Ans: (C) 15. Assam State enjoys (A) tropical climate (B) hot climate (C) warm climate (D) cold climate Ans: (A) 16. Terai zone is situated at Assam's (A) North zone (B) East zone (C) South zone (D) West zone Ans: (B) 17. The National Park of Assam where the rare white-winged duck (Deohanh) is found is (A) Nameri (B) Dibru Saikhowa (C) Manas (D) Orang Ans: (A) 18. What is the name of the new island emrging out of the Bay of Bengal? (A) Sonali (B) Dhan Khuli (C) Purbasa (D) Uttara Ans: (C) 19. Which of the following is related to international trade? (A) EXIM (B) IIP (C) FPO (D) TQM Ans: (A) 20. Of the total geographical area of Assam the total area under forest is (A) 33 p.c (B) 22 p.c (C) 28 p.c (D) 19 p.c Ans: (B) 21. World's largest producer of gold is (A) Saudi Arabia (B) USA (C) South Africa (D) Canada Ans: 22. When was Mizoram converted into a Union Territory? (A) 1969 (B) 1972 (C) 1949 (D) 1951 Ans: (B) 23. Which is the world's longest railway line? (A) Trans-Siberian line (B) Texas Railway line (C) Trans-Austin line (D) Trans-American line Ans: (A) 24. For a healthy adult Indian, the Body Mass Index (BMI) Should be in the range of (A) 11.51 - 18 (B) 18.5 - 24.9 (C) 25-30 (D) None of the Above Ans: (B) 25. Black hole is an object to be found (A) at the bottom of oceans (B) in the sky (C) inside a current ?carrying conductor (D) None of the above Ans: (A) 26. Minimum velocity required by a body to escape earth?s gravitation (escape velocity) is (A) 9.5 km/s (B) 11.2 km/s (C) 13 km/s (D) 24.25 km/s Ans: (B) 27. Which one of the following is not an operating system of computers? (A) Sun 05 (B) BSD (C) GNEXT/Linux (D) Windows NT Ans: (A) 28. Which is the largest moon in the solar system? (A) Ganymede (B) Titan (C) Lo (D) Callisto Ans: (A) 29. Pacemaker is implanted in heart when one of the following is defective (A) SA node (B) AV node (C) Purkinje fibre (D) Bundle of His Ans: (A) 30.When a person is undergoing prolonged fasting, his/her urine will contain abnormal quantity of (A) fat (B) ketone (C) amino acid (D) glucose Ans: (B) 31. Science of improving human race is (A) eugenics (B) epigenesis (C) epistasis (D) euthenics Ans: (A) 32. A photon will have less energy, if its (A) amplitude is higher (B) frequency is higher (C) wavelength is longer (D) wavelength is shorter Ans: (C) 33. Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is mainly a mixture of (A) propane and butane (B) butane and isobutane (C) propane and isobutane (D) propane and tetralin Ans: (A) 34. One of the elements of direct democracy is (A) refrendum (B) equality (C) free and fair election (D) universal adult franchise Ans: (A) 35. 'Purna Swaraj' resolution of the Congress was adopted on (A) 26th January, 1930 (B) 26th January, 1931 (C) 26th January, 1929 (D) 26th January, 1932 Ans: (A) 36. Article 80 of the Indian Constitution deals with the formation of the (A) Rajya Sabha (B) Lok Sabha (C) Legislative Council (D) District Council Ans: (A) 37. The Fundamental Duties were incorporated into the Constitution of India on the basis of the recommendation of (A) S.V. Singh Committee (B) Swaran Singh Committee (C) C. Hanumantha Rao Committee (D) None of the above Ans: (B) 38. In the formal sense, Panchayati Raj was established in Assam in the year (A) 1961 (B) 1962 (C) 1963 (D) 1964 Ans: (*) 39. The Planning Commission in India was established by (A) an act of the Parliament (B) the Constitution of India (C) resolution of the Central Government (D) presidential order Ans: (C) 40. Which of the following methods is not provided by the Citizenship Act, 1955 to acquire Indian citizenship? (A) By birth (B) By descent (C) By registration (D) By exercising right to vote Ans: (D) APSC Placement Paper Assam Public Service Commission (APSC) Solved Question Paper 1. Which one of the following is not included in the state list in the constitution of India? A. Criminal Procedure Code B. Police C. Law and order D. Prison Answer: A (Criminal Procedure Code) 2. The Rajya Sabha has exclusive jurisdiction in A. Creation and abolition of States B. Approving a proclamation of emergency C. the election of the Vice President D. authorizing Parliament to legislate on a subject in the State list Answer: D (Rajya Sabha can authorize Parliament to legislate on a subject in the State list) 3. Which one of the following is not a part of the Directive Principles of the State Policy? A. Right against exploitation B. Right to work C. Right to education D. Right to public assistance in the case of unemployment Answer: A (Right against exploitation) 4. The Sixth Schedule of the Indian Constitution deals with A. administration of OBC/MOBC population B. Stat reorganization based on language C. the provisions for administration of tribal areas in Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram D. welfare of the SC/ST population Answer: C (6th schedule is about tribal areas of Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram) 5. Which one of the following words was not originally included in the Preamble to the Constitution of India? A. Sovereign B. Socialist C. Secular D. Republic Answer: C 6. The President of India does not deny his consent to a Money Bill because A. it is urgent in nature B. it is initiated by the Finance Minister C. it is initiated by the Finance Minister on the recommendation of the President D. it is initiated in the Lok Sabha Answer: C ( Money bill is initiated by the Finance Minister on the recommendation of the President) 7. When did the Constituent Assembly of India have its first meeting? A. December 10, 1946 B. July 18, 1947 C. August 14, 1947 D. August 15, 1947 Answer: A (December 10, 1946) 8. Fundamental Duties were appended to the constitution of India by the 42nd amendment on the recommendation of A. Swarn Singh Committee B. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Committee C. K. C. Pant Committee D. C. D. Deshmukh Committee Answer: A 9. Ashok Mehta Committee stated that A. the Zila Parishad should be made responsible for planning at the district level B. in all States, there shall be a Gram Sabha C. periodic elections are to be held D. one-third of the total seats should be reserved for women Answer: A (Zilla parishad is responsible for planning at the district level) 10. The division of power between Centre and States is contained in the Constitution of India in the A. Third Schedule B. Fifth Schedule C. Seventh Schedule D. Eighth Schedule Answer: C (7th schedule of constitution of India) 11. Which of the following is the legal document created in 1947 that allowed the Princely states to join either India or Pakistan? A. The Act of Accession, 1947 B. Instrument for Accession C. Legal Document for Accession D. None of the above Answer: B (Instrument of accession) 12. During national emergency, the President can suspend the judicial enforcement of the Fundamental Rights except the two Articles which are A. 15, 16 B. 18, 19 C. 20, 21 D. 32, 33 Answer: C 13. Arrange the following President of India in the correct chronological sequence: I) Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma II) Dr. Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed III) Neelam Sanjiva Reddy IV) Giani Zail Singh A. II, III, IV, I B. IV, II, III, I C. III, II, IV, I D. II, IV, III, I Answer: A 14. Which of the following is not a Money Bill? A. Budget B. Appropriation Bill C. Bill seeking Vote on Account D. Finance Bill Answer: A 15. The term secular was added to the Preamble of the Constitution of India be the A. 40th Amendment B. 41st Amendment C. 42nd Amendment D. 43rd Amendment Answer: C (42nd Amendment) 16. Which Article of the Indian Constitution has empowered the parliament to regulate the citizenship matters? A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 11 Answer: D (Article 11 of Indian Constitution empowers parliament to regulate citizenship matters in the country) 17. GSAT-7, the first Indian satellite for defense purpose, was launched from A. Sriharikota B. Kourou C. Baikanour D. Cape Canaveral Answer: B (Kourou in French Guiana) 18. UN in its report World Population Prospects, 2012 has noted that Indian will be the world?s largest populated country, leaving behind China, by the year A. 2022 B. 2028 C. 2035 D. 2050 Answer: B (2028) 19. The popular uprising in Assam known as Patharughat Battle took place in the year A. 1861 B. 1862 C. 1893 D. 1894 Answer: D (Patharughator Ron took place in the year 1894) 20. In which year, Kaziranga wildlife Sanctuary was elevated to a National Park? A. 1974 B. 1975 C. 1976 D. 1977 Answer: A (Kaziranga became a national park in 1974) 21. Who was the President of Swaraj Party formed in Assam during the Freedom Movement? A. Maniram Dewan B. Vishnuram Medhi C. Gopinath Bordoloi D. Tarun Ram Phukan Answer: D (Tarun Ram Phukan formed Swaraj Party in Assam) 22. Name of the Submarine which was destroyed in a major accident in 2013 is A. INS Sindhurakshak B. INS Shalki C. INS Godavari D. INS Yamuna Answer: A (INS Sinshurakshak) 23. The famous musician Zubin Mehta was in news recently which had an Indian connection because A. of his refusal to perform in Israel B. he is a foreign citizen of Indian origin C. of a concert in Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir D. None of the above Answer: C (Zubin Mehta?s concert in Srinagar was opposed by separatists led by Syed Ali Shah Geelani protested, saying the concert was an attempt to legitimise India?s rule in the disputed region.) 24. The ship MV Bingo was drowned due to cyclone Phailin on October 12, 2013. The 18 member crew on board was rescued after 40 hours by A. Dornier Aircraft CG 970 B. Dornier Aircraft CG 790 C. Dornier Aircraft CG 079 D. Boeing 777 Answer: B (Dornier Aircraft CG 790 of Indian coast guard rescued the crew of drowned ship MV Bingo) 25. Which of the following has announced its plan to launch the world?s largest solar sail in 2014? A. NASA B. ISRO C. European Space Agency D. Japanese Space Agency Answer: A (NASA to launch as world?s largest solar sail till date in 2014) APSC Previous paper Assam Public Service Commission (APSC) Forest Ranger Previous Year Solved Exam Paper 1. Green colour of leaves is due to the presence of? (A) Iron (B) Chlorophyll (C) Etiolin (D) None of these Ans : (B) 2. Purity of Milk is measured by? (A) Hydrometer (B) Manometer (C) Lactometer (D) Thermometer Ans : (C) 3. Who invented Dynamite ? (A) Neil Bohr (B) Alfred Nobel (C) Homi Bhabha (D) Lord Chelmsford Ans : (B) 4. In which state is Khajuraho situated ? (A) Rajasthan (B) Madhya Pradesh (C) Orissa (D) Maharashtra Ans : (B) 5. World?s largest bird, which can run very fast, is? (A) Ostrich (B) Emu (C) Kiwi (D) Penguin Ans : (A) 6. How many Judges are there in International Court of Justice ? (A) 11 (B) 10 (C) 15 (D) 9 Ans : (C) 7. In which year the man first landed on Moon ? (A) 1968 (B) 1969 (C) 1970 (D) 1971 Ans : (B) 8. Radar was invented by? (A) J. L. Baird (B) Graham Bell (C) George Eastman (D) R. W. Watt Ans : (D) 9. Which country?s currency is ?Kyat? ? (A) Thailand (B) Malaysia (C) Myanmar (D) Israel Ans : (C) 10. Pituitary gland is present? (A) Below the brain (B) Above the brain (C) Inside the brain (D) Not near the brain Ans : (A) 11. Manas Wildlife Sanctuary is located in which state ? (A) Gujarat (B) Madhya Pradesh (C) Assam (D) Uttar Pradesh Ans : (C) 12. Rajghat Dam is situated on which river ? (A) Chambal (B) Sutlej (C) Betwa (D) Narmada Ans : (C) 13. Which is the largest continent of the world ? (A) Australia (B) Asia (C) North America (D) Africa Ans : (B) 14. Salim Ali was associated with ? (A) Horology (B) Entomology (C) Ornithology (D) Parasitology Ans : (C) 15. Trachoma is the disease of which organ ? (A) Throat (B) Eyes (C) Liver (D) Lungs Ans : (B) 16. Which gas is used in preparation of Soda Water ? (A) Carbon monoxide (B) Chlorine (C) Carbon dioxide (D) Carbon Ans : (C) 17. ?Universal Donor? belongs to blood group? (A) O (B) A (C) B (D) AB Ans : (A) 18. Viruses lack? (A) Proteins (B) Enzymes (C) Nucleic Acids (D) Tentacles Ans : (B) 19. Mammal which can fly? (A) Whale (B) Bat (C) Snake (D) Hen Ans : (B) 20. Which king constructed the ?Sanchi Stupa? ? (A) Bimbisara (B) Ashoka (C) Pushyamitra Shung (D) Kanishka Ans : (B) 21. In which state is the Kudremukh Iron Ore Scheme situated ? (A) Kerala (B) Karnataka (C) Tamil Nadu (D) Maharashtra Ans : (B) 22. In which country is Angle Waterfall situated ? (A) America (B) Venezuela (C) Canada (D) Australia Ans : (B) 23. Which country is called the ?Land of Setting Sun? ? (A) Japan (B) Indonesia (C) Britain (D) New Zealand Ans : (C) 24. How much % of Nitrogen is present in Atmosphere ? (A) 10% (B) 33% (C) 50% (D) 78% Ans : (D) 25. The iron ore mined from Belaidila is exported to which country ? (A) Japan (B) Russia (C) England (D) Iran Ans : (A) 26. Which River flows between the Vindhya and Satpura mountain ranges ? (A) Godavari (B) Narmada (C) Tapti (D) Chambal Ans : (B) 27. In which state cashew production is the highest ? (A) Maharashtra (B) Goa (C) Kerala (D) Karnataka Ans : (C) 28. Which of the following is not a fresh water fish ? (A) Cod (B) Eel (C) Salmon (D) Trout Ans : (A) 29. Scientific study of fishes is called? (A) Herpetology (B) Lepidopteriology (C) Ichthyology (D) Ornithology Ans : (C) 30. In which state the Dafla and Sinhpo tribes are found ? (A) Himachal Pradesh (B) Madhya Pradesh (C) Andhra Pradesh (D) Arunachal Pradesh Ans : (D) 31. The most important reason for population explosion in India is? (A) Urbanisation (B) Increase in birth-rate (C) Decrease in death-rate (D) Improvement in health facilities Ans : (D) 32. How much percentage of Protein is present in Soyabean ? (A) 30% (B) 40% (C) 50% (D) 60% Ans : (B) 33. What is Kharpatwar ? (A) Harmful and unwanted (Weeds) plants grown in cultivated crops (B) Unwanted plants on Soil (C) Harmful grass in Rice Harvest (D) Useless grass on agricultural land Ans : (A) 34. Central Rice Research Institute is located at? (A) Chennai (B) Cuttak (C) Kolkata (D) Rajendranagar Ans : (B) 35. In India which harvest in highest average product per Hectare ? (A) Maize (B) Wheat (C) Bajra (D) Rice Ans : (D) 36. At present how many states and centrally administered territories are there in Indian Union ? (A) 25, 8 (B) 24, 8 (C) 28, 7 (D) 26, 8 Ans : (C) 37. In Rajya Sabha elected members of which state are in greatest number ? (A) Andhra Pradesh (B) Madhya Pradesh (C) Bihar (D) Uttar Pradesh Ans : (D) 38. So far who has won the Lok Sabha seat with highest number of votes ? (A) Indira Gandhi (B) Jawahar Lal Nehru (C) Ram Vilas Paswan (D) P. V. Narsimha Rao Ans : (D) 39. Which state in India first started Employment Guarantee Programme ? (A) West Bengal (B) Gujarat (C) Kerala (D) Maharashtra Ans : (D) 40. Breeder Seed is which stage of Seed Production Cycle ? (A) Second (B) First (C) Third (D) Fourth Ans : (B) 41. Which is the biggest Trade Union of India ? (A) BMS (B) CITU (C) INTUC (D) AITUC Ans : (A) 42. Steel Ball floats on mercury, because? (A) Nothing can sink in mercury (B) Density of mercury is higher than steel (C) Density of steel is higher than mercury (D) Ball can not float Ans : (B) 43. Sun Light takes??time to reach the earth. (A) 8 seconds (B) 8 years (C) 8 minutes (D) 4 minutes Ans : (C) 44. pH value of pure water is? (A) 14 (B) 2 (C) 7 (D) 9 Ans : (C) 45. It burns with blue flame? (A) Nitrogen (B) Hydrogen (C) Sulphur dioxide (D) Carbon monoxide Ans : (A) 46. Deficiency of which vitamin causes Night Blindness ? (A) Vitamin A (B) Vitamin B1 (C) Vitamin C (D) Vitamin D Ans : (A) 47. Which organ of body is affected first by Nuclear Radiation ? (A) Liver (B) Lungs (C) Bone Marrow (D) Brain Ans : (C) 48. How many chromosomes are there in a Bacteria ? (A) One (B) Two (C) Many (D) Not even one Ans : (A) 49. Whose milk contains highest protein content ? (A) Cow (B) Goat (C) Sheep (D) Buffalo Ans : (C) 50. With which area Dr. V. J. Curian is connected ? (A) Animal Husbandry (B) Milk Development Industry (C) Plant Protection (D) None of the above Ans : (B) APSC Question-Paper Assam Public Service Commission(APSC) Solved Placement Paper 1. Which of the following types of budgeting is followed in India? (A) Plural budgeting (B) Cash budgeting (C) performance budgeting (D) Surplus budgeting Ans: (C) 2. Which of the following Articles of the Constitution of India is related to the independence of the Union Public Service Commission? (A) Article 323 (B) Article 324 (C) Article 325 (D) Article 326 Ans: (A) 3. Which of the following Schedules to the Constitution of India relates to languages? (A) 7th Schedule (B) 8th Schedule (C) 9th Schedule (D) 10th Schedule Ans: (B) 4. The French philosopher Rousseau belonged to the (A) eighteenth century (B) sixteenth century (C) fifteenth century (D) seventeenth century Ans: (A) 5. Which of the following can initiate the process of impeachment of the President of India? (A) Any House of the Parliament (B) The Lok Sabha alone (C) The Rajya Sabha alone (D) The Supreme Court of India Ans: (A) 6. Which of the following is not a part of the financial management? (A) Preparation of the budget (B) Approval of the budget by the Cabinet (C) Execution and rendering of accounts (D) Audit and accounts of public expenditure Ans: (C) 7. Under the Assam Panchayat Act, 1994, the quorum for the meeting of the Gram panchayat is (A) one-half of the total number of members (B) one-half of the total number of members present (C) one-third of the total number of members (D) one-third of the total number of members present Ans: (C) 8. Who initiated the Home Rule Movement in India? (A) Chittaranjan Das (B) Lajpat Rai (C) Annie Besant (D) Maulana Azad Ans: (C) 9. The Indus Valley Cilvilization belongs to the (A) Palaeolithic Age (B) Mesolithic Age (C) Neolithic Age (D) Chalcolithic Age Ans: (D) 10. Who among the following was the first to visit India? (A) Huen Tsang (B) I-Tsing (C) Fa-Hien (D) Megasthenes Ans: (D) 11. Ahalya Bai was distinguished (A) Maratha leader (B) Rajput leader (C) Sikh leader (D) Mughal leader Ans: (A) 12. During which period did the East India Company begin to build up its territorial power in India? (A) Beginning of the 18th century (B) Last quarter of the 17th century (C) Middle of the 18th century (D) First quarter of the 19th century Ans: (C) 13. What is the date of the Third Battle of Panipat? (A) AD 1551 (B) AD 1661 (C) AD 1761 (D) AD 1861 Ans: (C) 14. Which Act transferred power from the Company to the Crown in India? (A) Act of 1861 (B) Act of 1892 (C) Act of 1858 (D) Act of 1853 Ans: (C) 15. The first railway line in India was laid in (A) 1852 (B) 1853 (C) 1857 (D) 1885 Ans: (B) 16. The slogan 'Inquilab Zindabad' was given by (A) Chandrashekhar Azad (B) Muhammad Iqbal (C) Bhagat Singh (D) Mahatma Gandhi Ans: (B) 17. Which of the following events can be ascribed to the year 1919? (A) Jallianwala Bagh Massacre (B) Partition of Bengal (C) Permanent Settlement of Bengal (D) Subsidiary Alliance Ans: (A) 18. In 1826, the Treaty of Yandaboo was sigried by which the British practically occupied Assam from the Burmese, In which year was Burma annexed by the British? (A) 1837 (B) 1826 (C) 1864 (D) 1891 Ans: 19. Who wrote 'Vande Matram'? (A) Muhammad Iqbal (B) Sarat Chandra Chatterjee (C) Bankim Chandra Chaterjee (D) Rabindra Nath Tagore Ans: (C) 20. The earliest historical dynasty of Assam was that of the (A) Palas (B) Varmans (C) Narakas (D) Salastambhas Ans: (B) 21. The first tea company established in Assam was (A) Jorhat Tea Company (B) Assam Company (C) Assam-Bengal Tea Company (D) None of the above Ans: (B) 22. The Indian National Congress was founded during the viceroyalty of (A) Lord Canning (B) Lord Dufferin (C) Lord Amherst (D) Lord Curzon Ans: (B) 23. 'Do or Die' was the slogan during (A) the Swadeshi Movement (B) the Non-Cooperation Movement (C) the Civil Disobedience Movement (D) the Quit India Movement Ans: (D) 24. Which of the following Land Settlement Systems was followed in Assam? (A) Ryotwari (B) Zamindari (C) Mahalwari (D) None of the above Ans: (A) 25. A. O. Hume was a (A) scientist (B) social worker (C) civil servant (D) military commander Ans: (C) APSC Question-Paper Assam Public Service Commission (APSC) Solved Old Question Paper 1. Female literacy rate in India as per the Census Data, 2011 stands at A. 64.6% B. 70.3% C. 62.5% D. 68.2% Answer: A (As per India Census 2011 data, female literacy rate in India is 64.6%) 2. In the last one decade, which among the following sectors has attracted the highest foreign direct investment inflows into india? A. Chemicals other than fertilizers B. Service Sector C. Food processing D. Telecommunication Answer: B (As per official GOI data, FDI contribution is highest in Service Sector.) 3. Which Indian economist helped create the United Nations Human Development Index? A. Jagdish Bhagawati B. Amartya Sen C. Arvind Panagariya D. Ashok Desai Answer: B (Amartya Sen) 4. In India, which one among the following formulates the fiscal policy? A. The planning Commission B. The ministry of finance C. The finance commission D. The reserve bank of India Answer: C ( The Ministry of Finance) 5. The committee that recommended abolition of tax rebate under Section 88 is A. Chelliah Committee B. Kelkar Committee C. Shome Committee D. None of the above Answer: B (Kelkar Committee recommended abolition of tax rebate under Section 88) 6. VAT is imposed A. Directly on consumer B. on the first stage of production C. on the final stage of production D. on all stages between production and final sale Answer: D (VAT is imposed in all stages from production to sale) 7. SEBI is a/an A. statutory body B. advisory body C. constitutional body D. non-statutory body Answer: A (SEBI is now a statutory body) 8. In Indiam inflation is measured on the basis of A. Consumer Price Index B. Wholesale price Index C. Human Development Index D. Market Forces Answer: B (Wholesale Price Index) 9. The terra-cotta industry in Assam has developed in A. Goalpara District B. Barak Valley C. Dhubri District D. Tinsukia District Answer: C (Dhubri District) 10. A rise in the general price level may be caused by A. a decrease in the aggregate level of output B. an increase in the effective demand C. an increase in the supply of money D. (A) and (c) only Answer: D 11. In single-brand retail, the Government of India has raised FDI limit through FIPB from 49% to A. 51% B. 74% C. 100% D. None of the above Answer: C (FDI in single-brand retail has been increased to 100%) 12. The recommendations of the 13th Finance Commission have been operational for the period A. 2010-2015 B. 2011-2016 C. 2012-2017 D. None of the above Answer: A (2010-2015) 13. Which of the following statements is correct for the Planning Commission of India? A. It is not defined in the Indian Constitution. B. Members and the Vice Chairman do not have fixed working duration C. Its members do not require any minimum educational qualification D. All of the above Answer: D 14. Decentralized planning on the basis of Panchayati Raj institutions was recommended by A. Ashok Mehta Committee B. Gadgil Committee C. Mahalanobis Committee D. Balwant Rai Mehta Committee Answer: D (Balwant Rai Mehta Committee) 15. The minimum Needs Programme was introduced in the A. Fourth Plan B. Fifth Plan C. Sixth Plan D. Seventh Plan Answer: B. Minimum Needs Programme was introduced in Fifth Five Year Plan(1974?78) 16. There was a plan holiday in India during A. 1955-1958 B. 1961-1964 C. 1971-1974 D. None of the above Answer: D ( Plan holiday was in 1966-1969). 17. What was set up in 1950 for conducting large-scale surveys to meet the data needs of the country for the estimation of the national income and related aggregates? A. The Planning Commission B. The National Sample Survey C. The Bureau of Industrial Costs D. The Central Statistical Organization Answer: B 18. Which of the following is not correct in respect of the term disinvestment? A. Reduction of public debt B. A process of privatization C. Release of large amounts of public resources locked up in non-strategic public sector enterprise D. Revival of public sector enterprises Answer: A 19. Which is the new tax regime proposed to be introduced in the country? A. GST (Goods Services Tax) B. VAT (Value Added Tax) C. Agricultural Income Tax D. Central Excise Answer: A (GST) 20. The first systematic attempt of economic planning in India was made in the year A. 1934 B. 1937 C. 1943 D. 1944 Answer: A (M. Visvesvaraya attempted economic planning in 1934) 21. The minimum amount of calorie-based definition of poverty in India was accepted in them A. Fourth Plan B. Fifth Plan C. Sixth Plan D. Seventh Plan Answer: C (Sixth Plan) 22. Under decentralized planning, a planning committee is set up at which level? A. Block B. Subdivision C. District D. Gaon Panchayat Answer: C 23. Which is the largest plain of the world? A. Siberian Plain B. Indo-Gangatic Plain C. The Prairies D. The Steppe Land Answer: A (Siberian Plain) 24.How much percent of the Indian landmass is covered by the State of Assam? A. 3.39% B. 2.39% C. 4.39% D. 2.93% Answer: B 25. Which of the following seas is without a coastline? A. Black Sea B. Mediterranean sea C. Sargasso sea D. Sea of Azov Answer: C (Sargasso sea)