NISM Series XIX-C AIF Managers Certification Exam - 9

NISM Series XIX-C AIF Managers Certification Exam - 9


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Q 1. What information should be included in the structured digital database maintained by the Board of Directors?

a) Names of employees only

b) Unpublished price-sensitive information only

c) Nature of unpublished price-sensitive information shared, names of persons sharing information, and names of persons with whom information is shared

d) None of the above
Q 2. Under FEMA, who qualifies as a PIO based on familial ties?

a) Anyone with Indian grandparents

b) Anyone married to an Indian citizen

c) Anyone who has ever held an Indian passport

d) None of the above
Q 3. What is the email address to which details of the sale or divestment of investments in overseas companies should be sent to SEBI?




Q 4. What is private equity predominantly used for?

a) Early-stage businesses

b) Later-stage companies

c) Leveraged Buyouts

d) Hybrid capital structures
Q 5. What characterizes alternative investments compared to traditional investments?

a) High liquidity

b) Low risk

c) Easily convertible into cash

d) Illiquidity
Q 6. What is the primary benefit of investing in equity shares?

a) Guaranteed returns

b) High liquidity

c) Fixed income stream

d) Capital appreciation and dividends
Q 7. How are Offshore Hedge Funds advantageous over India-based Hedge Funds in terms of taxation?

a) Offshore Hedge Funds have higher taxation rates

b) Offshore Hedge Funds are taxed at the investor level

c) Offshore Hedge Funds provide tax advantages compared to Indian counterparts

d) Offshore Hedge Funds have lower management fees
Q 8. What makes hedge funds highly speculative and susceptible to capital at risk?

a) Limited investment platform

b) Exclusive focus on long positions

c) Use of simple investment strategies

d) Low utilization of leverage
Q 9. What characteristics of art and paintings make them unique as investment products?

a) High liquidity

b) Standardization

c) Guaranteed income

d) Uniqueness of each work
Q 10. What spurred the growth of alternative debt funds post-2008 financial crisis?

a) Industrial Revolution

b) Dotcom bust in 2001

c) Unprecedented success of private equity

d) Difficulty in satisfying investor requirements in traditional investments
Q 11. How does a semi-strong form of EMH view the predictability of stock prices based on publicly available information?

a) Stock prices are highly predictable

b) Stock prices are somewhat predictable

c) Stock prices are not predictable

d) Stock prices are only predictable with technical analysis
Q 12. What type of announcements are considered in the semi-strong form of the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH)?

a) Insider trading announcements

b) Earnings announcements

c) Future stock price projections

d) Economic forecasts
Q 13. What does the Weak-form Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) suggest about the usefulness of technical analysis?

a) It is highly useful for predicting future prices

b) There is little to no usefulness in predicting future prices

c) It is only useful in strong-form efficiency

d) It is only useful in semi-strong-form efficiency
Q 14. When did the spurt of private equity activity in India occur?

a) 1988

b) 1996

c) 2001

d) 2019
Q 15. What are Ex-Ante Returns?

a) Returns calculated based on historical data

b) Returns that have already occurred

c) Returns that are forecasted

d) Returns adjusted for taxes

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