IC90 - Human Resource Management (HRM)-7

IC90 - Human Resource Management (HRM)-7


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Q 1. According to the text, what is one way to communicate values and philosophies effectively in service organizations?

A) Through written circulars and notice boards

B) Through top management personnel explaining their minds

C) Through reward systems

D) Through large-scale improvements

E) By avoiding discussions and meetings

Q 2. In cases of women-related issues in organizations, what is the significance of laws relating to the protection of women?

a) Laws relating to the protection of women are lenient and rarely enforced.

b) Laws apply only to serious offenses like rape.

c) Complaints of offenses are assumed to be correct unless proved otherwise.

d) Laws do not apply to sexist remarks or inappropriate touching.

e) Laws relating to the protection of women are not strict.

Q 3. How do laws relate to social values in a country?

a) Laws always reflect social values accurately

b) Laws determine social values

c) Laws provide sanctions for social values

d) Laws are irrelevant to social values

e) Laws contradict social values

Q 4. What is the suggested benefit of conducting a periodical ethics audit, according to the passage?

a) To enforce strict rules and punishments for improper actions

b) To identify and maintain an ethical work environment

c) To report directly to the CEO or the Board of Directors

d) To monitor the day-to-day operations of the company

e) To identify competitors and potential threats to the organization

Q 5. Why is cost considered a crucial factor in resource management for organizations?

a) To maximize individual gains

b) To minimize the use of resources

c) To obtain resources from banks easily

d) To ensure efficient utilization of resources

e) To reduce the importance of financial aspects

Q 6. According to Fayol's principles, why is a change of work requiring different skills potentially problematic?

a) It increases worker output

b) It enhances worker confidence

c) It eliminates the need for adaptation

d) It can cause reduced output and require adaptation

e) It doesn't affect worker productivity

Q 7. In a military context, who typically decides on strategies and tactics?

a) Local commanders

b) Soldiers on the ground

c) The top generals

d) Intelligence agencies

e) Diplomats

Q 8. Why might a subordinate be reluctant to accept delegated responsibilities?

a) Lack of interest in higher responsibilities

b) Fear of criticism if the job is done well

c) Confidence in having adequate resources for the job

d) Enthusiasm for personal benefit

e) Overwhelming skills in the assigned tasks

Q 9. In which types of organizations is the role of knowledge workers most prominent?

a) Manufacturing factories

b) Retail stores

c) Consultancy and research organizations

d) Construction companies

e) Agricultural enterprises

Q 10. Why is it necessary to perform job analysis fairly frequently, according to the passage?

A) To determine which jobs are more important than others

B) To create a visual verification system for signatures

C) To identify the knowledge and skills required for managerial jobs

D) To eliminate all unnecessary paperwork

E) To keep up with changes in job requirements and technology

Q 11. Why is cognitive knowledge considered useful for individuals?

A) It helps in building physical strength and endurance

B) It enhances emotional intelligence and empathy

C) It enables the practical application of acquired knowledge

D) It fosters creativity and artistic expression

E) It improves communication and social skills

Q 12. How does the text suggest training programs are viewed in modern organizations?

A) Training programs are seen as costly and unnecessary.

B) Training programs are considered optional and unimportant.

C) Training programs are viewed as essential for maintaining organizational health.

D) Training programs are viewed as a burden on the organization's resources.

E) Training programs are seen as temporary and short-term solutions.

Q 13. Which of the following statements is true about strategic change, according to the text?

A) Strategic change has only short-term implications.

B) Strategic change is easily reversible.

C) Strategic change involves alterations in culture, structure, and product.

D) Strategic change is not part of organizational decision-making.

E) Strategic change does not touch basic structures and processes.

Q 14. What is the correct meaning of motivation, as explained in the text?

A) Motivation means the desire to obey.

B) Motivation means the desire to work.

C) Motivation means the desire to resist authority.

D) Motivation means external impulses provided by managers.

E) Motivation means the desire to drink water.

Q 15. According to the text, why might workers intentionally engage in unsatisfactory performance?

A) To obtain promotions and transfers.

B) To fulfill their need for attention from superiors.

C) To create learning opportunities for all.

D) To improve systems inadequacies.

E) To encourage proactive decision-making.

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