IC88 - Marketing and Public relations - 7

IC88 - Marketing and Public Relations - 7


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Q 1. Question 3: What is the fourth suggested reason for the low level of search in buying decisions, as mentioned in the passage?

Ignorance about the availability of information.

Lack of awareness about relevant information.

Inertia or indifference.

The availability of excessive information.

A sense of urgency to decide.
Q 2. Question 1: How does perception influence relationships,?

It has no impact on relationships.

It creates and resolves conflicts.

It is solely influenced by past information.

It only affects individual beliefs.

It is limited to conscious awareness.
Q 3. Question 4: In the case of general insurance, who may be the claimant?





Representative of the insurer
Q 4. Question 2: How does the passage describe perception?

A cognitive phenomenon only

A visual phenomenon only

Both a visual and cognitive phenomenon

A non-rational process

A tangible process
Q 5. On which continuum does the characteristic of intangibility lie, according to the text?

a) Cost continuum

Quality continuum

Intangibility continuum

Tangibility continuum

Service continuum
Q 6. In what way does the experience of a service in conducted tours, restaurants, theatres, and aircraft get influenced by others present at the same time?

a) Others' behavior has no impact on the evaluation of the service.

The experience is only influenced by the service providers.

Others may give either pleasure or irritation, affecting the evaluation of the service.

The irritating experience is solely attributed to the failure of the service providers.

Others' behavior has a minimal impact on the overall experience.
Q 7. What impact does Fintech have on the business models of banking, insurance, and asset management?

a) Decrease in competition.

Increase in traditional business models.

Radical disruption.

Focus on high-cost models.

Limited impact on customer interactions.
Q 8. What is the role of reliability or credibility in service interactions?

a) Reliability is unrelated to trustworthiness.

Documentation improves reliability.

Reliability is unnecessary in service interactions.

The insurance agent's availability at the time of the claim enhances reliability.

Reliability is enhanced by exaggerating the terms of the offer.
Q 9. What is the consequence of the sharp focus on costs without considering customers?

a) Improved customer satisfaction

Reduced exaggerated demands

Efficient resource utilization

Blur focuses on customers

Increased costs and lost opportunities
Q 10. What does the training for an agent include?

a) Providing inaccurate details in the proposal

Denigrating other agents

Sharing the commission with colleagues

Communicating only technical details of the policy contract

Feeling proud of the profession and the represented insurer
Q 11. What is emphasized as crucial for monitoring customer needs, as per the passage?

a) Clear articulation of customer wants

Frequent advertising and promotion

Observation of customer behaviors and responses

Setting flawless quality standards

Benchmarking with other organizations
Q 12. What is the main focus of the middle manager's role in a service organization,?

a) Managing subordinates

Maximizing internal communication

Identifying and improving small aspects of customer satisfaction

Running down suggestions for small improvements

Ensuring competitiveness among employees
Q 13. What is the key role of managing strategies, according to Mintzberg?

A) Preconceiving strategies.

Cultivating patterns.

Recognizing emergence and intervention.

Following systematic plans.

Implementing gradual escalation.
Q 14. In life insurance, what is an example of augmentation?

A) Variability of the Sum Assured according to indices of inflation.

Collection of premia.

Choices in the ways moneys are paid.

Deduction of premiums from salaries.

Sums Assured stipulated in terms of houses and gold.
Q 15. What term is used to describe doubts that customers may have after purchasing insurance?

a) Confidence





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