IC27 - Health Insurance exam - 9

IC27 - Health Insurance exam - 9


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Q 1. Give reason(s) as to why health insurance is very important ? 1. It preserves individual savings 2. It helps in maintaining the physical fitness and health of the society 3. it provides financial access to healthcare providers in case of any illness

Only statement 1 is correct

Only statement 2 is correct

Only statement 3 is correct

Only statements 1 and 2 are correct

Only statements 1 and 3 are correct
Q 3. The critical illness products that reimburse some of the actual costs due to critical illness rather than a lump sum pay-out are priced ______ other such products.

Higher than

Lower than

Differently from

the same as

not in proportion
Q 4. In the Government's share in health expenditure, what is excluded?

The in-direct tax subsidies given to private health insurance

Cash reimbursement to patients

The direct tax subsidies given to private health insurance

Free health insurance policies to a segment of citizens

Contribution made by Govt. to the commercial insurance
Q 5. Which plan covers Personal Care costs?

Term plan

Life insurance

Disability benefit

Indemnity health insurance

Critical illness
Q 6. Concerning the 'Numerical rating method', which of the below statement is CORRECT?

Percentage assessment is made on any two components of the risk

High cost in collecting and assessing medical reports

Percentage assessment is made on each component of the risk

The key factors are - Current health status and age

Proposers have to undergo medical investigations to assess their health risk profile
Q 7. The market conduct aspects of the insurers are examined via ______.

Via financial audits

Via MIS mechanism

Via on-site inspections

Via off-site inspections

Via field inspections
Q 8. In Japan, _____ % of the population is covered under healthcare.





Q 9. _______ policy is available for both indemnity and benefit basis.

Term insurance

Daily hospital cash benefit

Personal accident

Critical illness

Health insurance
Q 10. Which of the following is a feature of a Non-Medical underwriting policy?

Low premiums

High premiums

Processing is slow

There is more waiting period

There are more formalities
Q 11. What is the reason behind asking many questions instead of a simple question about an individual's health insurance? 1. to help the customer to think about various diseases so that he can provide the necessary information 2. to record the facts in detail which forms the basis of the contract 3. to arrange for further medical examination in all cases and make the customer ready for it

Only 1 and 2 are correct.

Only 2 is correct

Only 1 and 3 are correct

Only 2 and 3 are correct

Only 3 are correct
Q 12. Approximately _____ are the estimated fraudulent claims in the health insurance industry.

0 to 5%

10 to 15%

15 to 20%

20 to 25%

More than 50%
Q 13. What is the group called which involves consumers, physicians, agents, providers, etc. in making a series of false claims?

Speculators in insurance

Fraud rings

Collusion with TPA

False claims

Collusion with providers
Q 14. Who studies the data and the pattern indicated to decide on the acceptance or denial of a risk?

Marketing Department



Finance Department

Q 15. What does it refer to if after doing numerical ratings, the final rating comes out to be 120?

As the applicant is at a risk of 120%, the policy thus will not be granted to him.

As the applicant is at an extra risk of 20%, the policy thus will be priced accordingly.

The applicant will have to pay 120% of the standard premium rate

As the applicant is at a risk of 20%, the policy thus will be priced accordingly

As the applicant is at a reduced risk of 20%, the policy thus will also be priced accordingly

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