IC27 - Health Insurance exam - 5

IC27 - Health Insurance exam - 5


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Q 1. Which section of The Insurance Act, of 1938 authorizes the TAC to collect information from the insurers?

Section 64 VB

Section 64 UE

Section 51

Section 51

Section 64 B

Q 2. Section 64 UE of The Insurance Act, 1938 authorizes the TAC to require and collect information from the insurers.

Vigilance compliance checks

Comprehensive claims information

Extract data output in a desirable or actionable format

Create consumer awareness

Fraud investigation

Q 3. What would be the earned premium by the insurer where an insured having taken a policy for two years, paid a premium of Rs. 20, 000 and had not taken any claim during 1st six months of the policy?

Rs 20000

Rs 10000

Rs 5000

Rs 2500

Nil Since the policy is in force & there could be a claim time during the currency of the policy

Q 4. Which of the following statements is true about the National Commission? 1. Insurance-related complaint only 2. Complaints regarding both general as well as of life insurance can be taken up by the commission 3. The National Commission is the final authority and no appeal can be filed against its order anywhere

Statements 1 and 2 are correct, 3 is incorrect

Only statement 1 is correct

Only statement 2 is correct

Only statement 3 is correct

Statements 2 and 3 are correct, 1 is incorrect

Q 5. LTC or Long Term Care plan aims to provide indemnity to the insured's additional costs to be incurred for considerable long-term care. Which of the following benefits can be provided under the LTC? 1. Additional personal care cost to be incurred for nurses 2. Living costs like food, clothing, etc. 3. Additional living cost of amenities

Only 1 is true

Only 1 & 2 are true

1 & 3 only are true

1, 2 & 3 all are true

Only 2 & 3 are true

Q 6. The renewability clause mandates the renewal of the policy unless fraud or misrepresentation by the insured is proven. IRDAI has also stipulated rules for the grace period. Which of the following do not fall under the above-said rules?

Provision of 30 days grace period from the date of renewal

Continuity of benefits

All policies are renewable for life

Renewal to continue irrespective of age

Coverage of any illness during the period of grace

Q 7. Under rural insurance, the reinsurance product variant of white-labeling is present in ______.

Only employers stop the loss

Both social reinsurance and employers stop the loss

Neither of the above

Only social reinsurance

Under micro products

Q 8. Daycare procedures include:

Bariatric surgery



Pulmonary embolism

Breast surgery

Q 9. Concerning Critical illness policy, which of the following statement/s is/are correct? 1. It provides a lump sum payment on diagnosis of a covered condition 2. It provides a lump sum payment on undergoing a covered procedure 3. It cannot be covered under the Accelerated CI benefit product

Only statement 1 is correct

Only statement 2 is correct

Only statement 3 is correct

Only statements 1 and 2 are correct

Only statements 1 and 3 are correct

Q 10. IIB (Insurance Information Bureau) was set up to provide reliable data on the insurance sector to researchers and policymakers. In which year the IIB was set up?






Q 11. Under which of the following rating methods, credits, or debits are considered for the underwriting of a health insurance proposal?

Medical rating method

Non-medical rating method

Numerical rating method

Medico-legal cases method

Non-medico legal cases method

Q 12. Compared to the 16% GDP healthcare expenditure in the USA, India's expenditure is around _______% of GDP in the year 2008-09. 1. 4.13% of the GDP. 2. 1.43% of the GDP 3. 4.13% of the current market price of 2008-09

Only 1 and 2 are correct

Only 2 and 3 are correct

Only 1 is correct

Only 2 is correct

Only 1 and 3 are correct

Q 13. A group of convenience is a group formed solely to take advantage of flexible design and get the benefits that are not available under individual policies. What are the consequences associated with issuing health insurance coverage to such groups? 1. It led to adverse selection of risk 2. Leads to a higher claim ratio of 3. It may increase the penetration of insurance and may provide economies in cost to the insurers

Statement 1 is correct

Statement 2 is correct

Statements 1 & 3 are correct

All the statements are correct

ments 1 & 2 are correct, 3 is incorrect

Q 14.
A Person wants to ensure that while he has taken the necessary life insurance cover there is also some protection to him and his family in case there is a serious illness that affects the person and which can drain him of financial resources. In such a situation one can take the option of which rider.

Waiver of premium 

Accidental death 

Critical illness 

Guaranteed insurability 

all of above 

Q 15. In which year was the first stand-added product known? Mediclaim? was launched for individuals and their families.






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