IC14 - LICENTIATE - Regulation of Insurance Business -14

IC14 - LICENTIATE - Regulation of Insurance Business -14


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Q 1. What will a ULIP contract specify? i) Range of each fund and objectives of asset allocation ii) Range of each allocation and objectives of each asset iii) Range of each asset allocation and objectives of each fund

All statements are correct

Only statement iii is correct

Only statement i is correct

Both statements i and ii are correct

Both statements ii and iii are correct
Q 2. Employee State Insurance policy is applicable in the areas notified by the Government. The scheme applies to _______.

All Employees

Functional Employees

Industrial Employees


Government employees
Q 3. The minimum policy term is fixed as ____ years of a life insurance contract to protect its long-term nature.





Q 4. When are the insurance regulating acts amended?

Every six months

Every year

When new schemes are introduced in the market


As and when required
Q 5. ______ non-official members are allowed in the executive committee for the General Insurance Council.





Q 6. Where and when was FATF established?

Geneva - 1989

New York - 1985

Sydney - 1985

Paris - 1989

Paris - 1985
Q 7. The appellate authority constituted by a notification of the Central Govt. was wound up due to the constitution of __________.



Insurance Appellate Tribunal

Grievance Redressal Authorities (GRA)

Consumer Authority
Q 8. Which statement is INCORRECT about IRDAI?

IRDAI removes competition in the insurance industry

RDAI ensures competence in the insurance industry

IRDAI makes and amends laws for the insurance industry

IRDAI works for the interest of policyholders

IRDAI enforces fair practices in the insurance industry
Q 9. In the Rural Sector, IRDAI regulates a percentage of _________.

Life insurance and General insurance businesses

Life insurance and Motor insurance businesses

Property insurance and General insurance businesses

Vehicle insurance and General insurance businesses

All of the above
Q 10. The death benefit at no time will be _________ of the total premium including top-ups paid.

Less than 105%

Less than 115%

More than 105%

More than 115%

Less than 125%
Q 11. Insurance GRA will have no jurisdiction in ______.

Health insurance

Life insurance

Mediclaim insurance

Personal accident insurance

Marine insurance
Q 12. The minimum amount of coverage for health insurance is _________.

Rs 5 lacs

Rs 2 lacs

Rs 1 lac

Rs 50000

Rs 10000
Q 13. As per which act can the central Government issue grants to IRDAI after due appropriations are made by parliament?

Contract Act



Insurance act

RBI act
Q 14. When a nomination is canceled, the rights of the nominee shall be only affected by _____.

Interest of policyholders

Interest of nominees

Interest of insurers

Interest of shareholders

Interest of claimants
Q 15. Money launderers tend to seek out ______ and ______ for their operations.

Inventiveness and jointness

Institutes and judiciary

Instances and junctures

Institutions and jurisdiction

Institutions and jurisprudence

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