IC14 - LICENTIATE - Regulation of Insurance Business -10

IC14 - LICENTIATE - Regulation of Insurance Business -10


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Q 1. The full form of GIBN is _____.

General Insurance Buy-out Notifications

General Insurance Bonus Nationalization

General Insurance Business Notification

General Insurance Budget Notifications

General Insurance Business Nationalization
Q 2. As per IRDA guidelines for ULIPs, all ULIPs have uniform /level paying premiums whereby additional payments will be treated as -

premium top-up

extended premium

new premium

single premium

lock-in premium
Q 3. The maximum reduction in yield (Difference between Gross and Net yield % p. a.) for 15 years and thereafter elapsed since inception is _______.





Q 4. During the free look period, if the customer is not satisfied, he will be required to send the original documents of the insurance policy along with ________ to the customer service department.


Proposal form

Covering letter

Apology letter

Application form for its cancellation
Q 5. KYC means _______.

Know your country

Know your customer

Know your company

Know your client

Know your cash
Q 6. An appeal can be made in the Supreme Court against the order of the National Commission within ______.

5 days

15 days

30 days

45 days

60 days
Q 7. ________ is not mandatory to be submitted under KYC norms.

Purpose of contract

Verifiable address

Copy of sale deed

Bank statements

Recent photographs
Q 8.
How can one assess if an insurance company will be able to meet its claims or not?

Price Earning Ratio

Profitability of the company

Share Capital of the company.


Solvency Ratio

Q 9. The function of the Executive Committee of the Life Insurance Council is to inform the IRDAI if any insurer shows prejudice to a ______.


An employee of the insurance company



None of above
Q 10. Under section _____ of the Insurance Act, life insurance policies are repudiated.

Section 44

Section 45

Section 46

Section 47

Section 48
Q 11. What is the minimum term of coverage in health insurance?

1 year

2 years

3 years

5 years

7.5 years
Q 12. When a nomination is made specifically under Sec 39 of the Insurance Act, the Provision of Section 6 of M W P Act 1874 does not apply to nomination in favor of _____.


Gr and parents

Wife and/or children


Q 13. Which of these products is not viable as a stand-alone insurance product?



Money back policy

Group insurance

Pension and Group schemes
Q 14. If death happens during the contestable period, any claim based on the policy can be challenged on the grounds of ________.

Legal Statement


Fraudulent statement

Incorrect statement

False statement
Q 15. The minimum amount of cover in a Term Insurance is ______.

Rs. 3500

Rs. 5000

Rs. 6200

Rs. 7500

Rs. 10000

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